
Friday, 28 September 2012


In lesson: I was doing a double page spread ananlisis with ashley, we used prezi to let us both edit it at the same time, i looked at the main image and suggested that due to the background being that of a quarry that they where saying how they are isolated from other and that they are different.

Home: i compiled a list of music magazines that i could use to compare. I will also use them as inspiration for my own and i will give credit to the magazines where i used them.

Contents 3

NME contents page here, by the look they have used there article names as a tactic to pull the reader in , like said here :

This is a very contravercial thing to say, the beatles have be said to be the best music band to come from england, this magazine has dilibertly used these big name bands to cause a conflict in the readers mind, also the editor has added a sense of personality by saying "Hey, it's not our call...".

The sub heading have sort of been merged with the background, this makes the reader have to look carefully like a second glance, Throughout the contents page it is easy to see that the magaine relies on its loyal customers/fan base, if you look at the wording you will see that they always use opinions like
"this weeks best gigs" and "the uk's number 1 gig guide" these are all opinion that hopefully they share with there fans.

Contents page 2

Kerrang appears to always follow a set format, contents in top left or right, main image taking up half the page, and text taking up the bottom. Kerrang is written in its own special font, it contains important information like the issue number date and information to start a subscription. The colour scheme seems to be yellow,white,black. All these colours are good contrasts on each other. I personally like how they have put the stars next to cover stories i may possibly use this in my own. The black boxes anround the subtitles are a great way to make them stand out, you have this bright light yellow on a dark black box that pretty much drags your eyes. The font that they use (the one that has parts missing) i think is very effective, this idea that its not a perfect boring font with everything filled in, the missing bits give it some texture.Something that this magazine does thats quite rare is that the deputy editor has signed the bottom, this isnt always a good think if something controverisal is published people will be after him.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Contents 1

The masthead it at the top, followed by the citys of london memphis and okemah, these all tie into the magazine like okemah is best know for the artist Woody Guthrie. The high angle shot gives the reader a almost conflicting view on this person for one the high angle is usually used to show how someone is vulnerable / powerless however this man has his hands behind his back and the facial expression is blank , this makes the reader question what the man is thinking he doesn't look scared he just looks blank, quite creepy.

Double page spread2

This double page uses alot of contrast using white on black and gold to make some stand out even more, the gold could give connotations of how good something is as gold medal is 1st place there the best so implying that neil young is the best. Famous peoples names have also been made gold this is to draw the readers eyes into this story and prevent them just flicking past. Like most double pages this contains a bold large quote and a main image taking up a page.

Double page

The font used/ black boxes gives connotations of being crazy/psycho, we have been injected with this idea that old murders used this sort of text, this makes it seem quirky, this is followed with the main image, it way she is leaning one way with her head facing the other makes it almost look pointless. The text looks like it has been formatted around the picture however the last line goes over her elbow. The editor used a large "i to drag the reader to the start of the article, its set out in 4 small columns.

Front cover 3

This masthead is strange compared to others, most mast heads are solid colors however this one uses tones and blending, this is clever as each issue has a different color scheme and the masthead color fits in with it, the font used is BIG and bold this allows the reader to easily identify the magazine from others.

Sell lines
This magazine for some reason lets its sell lines overlap the mast head, big names like eminem lil wayne and jay-z are in bold to help catch the eyes of there fans, this increases the fan size and possibly boost sales of that issue, the number 50 is in bold to signify just how much there is.

Main image

 Surprisingly they have let the main image be the top layer, this gives the reader the impression of eminems importance,the look he is giving is straight at the lenses making it feel like that he is looking straight at you, the facial expression almost makes you question what he is thinking about its a very deeply encoded image.

Log 17/9/12

Today i switched classes and started to work on my course work, i started to look up the major music magazines that are out there, i started to analyse a copy of mojo. Starting on the front cover, i cropped it in paint then uploaded to blogger under each subheading that is relevant, for the contents page  i looked at a issue from 2009.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Double page Prezi

Front Cover 2



NME however being a popular magazine doesnt rely on a font that will be easily recognized, its a very bog standard font with two outlines to further empheris the name. The masthead also follows the colour scheme of the magazine with black white and red.

Sell lines

The sell lines in this magazine use different fonts, colors, and separators / underline, theses all are used to emphasis some parts that are used to catch the readers attention like bait on a hook, this will be used to pull them into reading and ultimately buying it. The editor used the contraction "we've" this gives a feeling that more personal and down to earth, readers like this.

Main image

This main image is weird, it almost looks edited, the taller man's eyes appear to be looks straight at the camera like the smaller man even tho the difference in height. This stance (back to back) is very standard shows how they are linked and look after each other, the image was taken to be personal that is why it is a close up to emphasize possible there most recognizable feature there face.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Mojo front cover analisis

Mojo front cover analisis


The mast head of a magazine is extremely important, it has to be a catchy looking font that will be easily rembered as it is what the readers will look for when trying to identify the magzine, this font is big bold and has a drop shadow.

Sell lines

These sell lines use a variation in the font, they make the key artists bold to attract a possible audience from there fans. The white font was used to contract on the dark background, this makes the font stand out, it also folows the magazines colour theme where most if not all text is white.

Main image

The main image is off Brian Jones high angle shot gives readers a sense of him being down to earth, and this image if very centrlised around his eyes, the eyes are important as it is associated with the soul/person inside. The whole page is the image. The image may have been manipulated as the shoulders apear to be blury, depth a feild.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Prelimary Task

The preliminary task was to make a school magazine. The first thing I did was think up a relevant colour scheme, the audience being school children I thought it would be good to link it to the schools logo, I used the exact same shade of yellow that is used in the logo, I did this by using the colour picker tool on the logo that was in one of the pictures. I then cropped the logo from the bus by using the quick mask tool and the colour range select tool, I then decided on what font I should use, with the schools logo being a stag I thought I would give it a font that would look normal next to it, I went for  “Forte” it’s very soft and italic.
The picture is picked is like a zoomed out mid shot, I positioned this to have the school logo in sight, the boy is dressed smartly possibly could be seen as a role model to younger students that may read the magazine. At the bottom of the page I added a bar that contains important information like the issue number, date and ways to contact the magazine. Due to magazine being targeted at high school students the target audience would be 12-16, this means that social networking sites would be a great way to get in contact.

I added drop shadows to my mast head and to the school logos on each side this gives it a more 3D effect
The strapline is “Haydon’s only magazine written for STUDENTS by STUDENTS” I picked this as it will let the readers relate to the magazine. The capital letters in “students” was used to emphasise and make it stand out this could help attract possible readers, this can be seen in professional newspapers like Tabloids like “the sun” and broadsheets like “the guardian”.