All magazines need a name that will grab you eye, the font,
colour and size can be very important. This can be seen in NME where the font
is block and usually quite big, the colours used are black white red, this way
when the masthead is on the FrontPage
no matter what the background colour is it will stand out. Due to this and the genre that my magazine
will be focusing on I picked a quite unique font that will always be shown in
white font. As for names there is two main types of names for magazines, acronyms or abbreviations like NME ( new musical express ) and Q (Q (( cue))
the music) and catchy names like Kerrang!, VIBE. I decided to mix them both, I made Freat, it’s
a mix of fret (part of a guitar) and threat one of the connotations of some
rock or metal stars. This way its relevant to the genre and catchy.
Front page components, most if not all magazines have a general
layout, being masthead, main image, main sell line, multiple support sell
lines, information (date,issue number, barcode). Ive decided to put the information
on the external back page, this gives
the main image a lot more space and lets the possibly buyers get a good look
rather than seeing some boring text, I have a very large main image that will
go on the front cover. Ive decided to have two main sell lines being “some say
im crazy” and “A-Z of gigs part one free today]” these have been picked as they
would work as a large hook to pull readers in, readers love free give always
and a work like crazy will always pull you in to see why there given bigger
fonts than the support sell lines.
Contents page layout and content.
All music magazines that I have seen have some sort of separation
in their contents, eg : releases or news,
ive taken this into account have come up with the sub heading of News, Reviews,
competitions. To stop the contents page being to boring ive added the occasional
picture and what you could call pulled story, this is one that is taken out of
its original place given a picture and made it stand out with a white box
around the black text, also from what ive seen of magazines there is usually at
least one image that isn’t a photograph meaning that’s its ever a drawing or
computer generated , so I added a silhouette, this combined with the story
title should help pull a possible reader in that is flicking through. Comparing my magazine to a professional I see
one key difference, mine is written from a bias angle, this is possible the USP
of my magazine, it may make my target audience niche but that will mean I will
have a more devoted audience that is more likely to buy a subscription rather
than picking up the occasional copy.
Double page spread, through looking at many magazines I have
seen how most of them have a whole page of text in 2-4 columns then a full page
image, however I think this isn’t very space effective or visually appealing, so
I decided to go for text over both pages with 1 long or multiple smaller
images, this way the article ( written in 1st person so has writers
emotions) can refer to the images letting the reader look up every few lines or
if the writer made a reference to the main image. Ive decided against using pull quotes as I think
sometimes these look tacky depending on the context or the quote used.